The Energy Savers Programs delivered energy audits to more than 300 farms across all agricultural industries
throughout Queensland between 2015 and 2022.
The first part of the Energy Savers Program was a partnership between Ergon Energy and Queensland Farmers’
Federation (QFF) and its member bodies. It was funded by the Queensland Government.
The program helped farmers reduce their energy costs by providing information and tools to adopt more efficient
practices and technologies with irrigation and on-farm processing, including refrigeration and cold storage.
The Energy Savers Program occurred in a number of stages across Queensland, with the first two stages including
farms in both Ergon and Energex territories:
The Programs resulted in the development of a number of case studies and associated resources offering readers
a range of insights into farm energy consumption and opportunities to improve energy efficiency on farm. These
case studies and resources are now available on the Queensland Ag Energy Hub. In 2016, Saturn Engineering
Group was tasked to conduct 5 of the onsite farm energy audits. These audits ranged from pump and irrigation
systems on cotton farms, and an onion/garlic farm.