The farm consumed 69,400kWh of electricity during the 2022/23 financial year under SAC Large Tariff 44. However,
in the 2023 calendar year, consumption surged to 188,300kWh due to increased irrigation demands during dry
periods. This seasonal variability often pushed the farm’s electricity usage beyond the 100MWh annual threshold,
which triggers a transition to SAC Large Business Tariffs, that imposes higher network and demand costs. The farm
required strategies to manage energy use efficiently while maintaining its irrigation capacity.
The energy audit identified water losses in the pipe network, ranging from 15.7% to 34.1%. Additionally, a pressure
surge was observed during the shutdown process of KSB pump, caused by the valve prematurely closing before
the pump had time to reduce speed. The KSB pump had an oversized motor for the required task, causing a low
load situation.